There are always so many books, and always so little time. I think I’ve read one hundred and sixty unique titles so far this year, and I’m still falling behind on new and interesting things. Not so far behind, though, that I don’t want to tell you about three new books and a novella.
(One of which I didn’t like, but I want to talk about in the hopes that maybe someone can tell me of a book that does similar things but isn’t frustratingly made of plothole.)
I feel as though I’ve been waiting years to read a book like Lois McMaster Bujold’s Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (out from Baen in February 2016). It is Bujold’s best novel in her Barrayar continuity since A Civil Campaign, at least, and it marks a return to Bujold at her best—ambitious with form, experimental in the kind of story she wants to tell, deeply involved in the personal. Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen is a story involving Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan, Dowager Countess and Vicereine of Sergyar, after the death of her husband of forty years, and Oliver Jole, admiral of the Sergyar fleet, who was Aral’s lover. They were effectively a secret triad marriage, and now the pole that anchored both their worlds is gone.
This is a novel about people in their fifties and seventies deciding who they want to be and what they want to do for the rest of their lives—or at least the next couple of decades. It’s a very quiet, intimate novel: unusually for a Barrayar book, it has nothing that resembles a thriller plot; rather, it is an extended meditation on family, selfhood, choice, and possibility. It’s a novel about futures and legacies, about accumulated choices and the new choices that open up even after loss.
It is really quite remarkable.
Tanya Huff’s An Ancient Peace (out now from DAW in the US and Titan in the UK) is a lot less personal and intimate. But damn is it a hell of a lot of fun. It’s space opera—or at least I’d classify it as space opera—and it stars former Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr, the main character of Huff’s “Valour” series, after the war she spent her career (and after) fighting is over. But there’s still work for a former gunnery sergeant and a small team of ex-soldiers (and one or two civilians), even if most of them are suffering from some form of PTSD: stopping some grave robbers from unearthing the Very Dangerous Weapons of one of the elder alien species who have since given up violence. Things explode. There is snarky banter, and some commentary on trauma. It is satisfying and entertaining and just downright fun.
The problem with Emily Foster’s The Drowning Eyes (forthcoming as part of the Publishing novella programme in January) is that it’s frustratingly short. It has great characters, but it feels more like the first third of a novel plus an epilogue instead of something complete in its own right. Sailors! Weather magic! Raiders! Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed what there is of it, but I rather wanted more.
This could be a flaw in me, though. I don’t read a lot of novellas. Perhaps they are often too short?
Gun Brooke’s Pathfinder (Bold Strokes Books, November 2015) is also frustrating, but in a far different way to The Drowning Eyes. Pathfinder is marketed as lesbian science fiction romance. While the prose is acceptable, the novel as a whole is basically made of plothole, poorly thought-through (or at least poorly explained) worldbuilding, and characters who make really illogical decisions based on feelings of loyalty and attraction that the narrative spends very little time establishing. I want to be enthusiastic about science fiction novels with a large cast of women, some of whom end up kissing other women, but Pathfinder rather fails the “this makes any sense” test. Does anyone know of novels in this line that aren’t made of wooden worldbuilding and plothole?
That’s what I’ve been reading. What’s good with you?
Liz Bourke is a cranky person who reads books. She has recently completed a doctoral dissertation in Classics at Trinity College, Dublin. Find her at her blog. Or her Twitter.
Liz Bourke says: “I want to be enthusiastic about science fiction novels with a large cast of women, some of whom end up kissing other women … Does anyone know of [good] novels in this line?”
I’m only coming up with older novels right now—all worth re-reading: Ammonite, by Nicola Griffith. Solitaire, by Kelley Eskridge. Thendara House, by Marion Zimmer Bradley. There ought to be newer ones as well—I look forward to more recommendations.
I recently read The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, which was a fun ensemble space adventure. The crew of the interstellar road building ship is split pretty evenly male and female. There’s a (non-tragic) interspecies lesbian romance, an interspecies heterosexual romance, and a human/AI romance. Lots of found family stuff.
I want to be enthusiastic about science fiction novels with a large cast of women, some of whom end up kissing other women,
Most recent I can recall having read would be Judith Tarr’s “Forgotten Suns”.
Looking forward to the Bujold and the Huff books, 2016 has some good things marked in already. Currently reading Kate Elliott’s Black Wolves very slowly to spin it out – various sexualities taken as granted in that.
I got my hands on an ARC of Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen and enjoyed it, but not as much as most other Vorkosigan books. It is quite different than most of the others, very much a leisurely-paced, character-focused book, without the frenetic plots and humorous chaos of the Miles-centric books. I suspect this is a book I will be coming back to, and enjoying more, as I get older. I did miss the humor– not that it’s a humorless or a sad book, it’s just very meditative.
@NinjaPenguin, I’m excited to hear A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet was a fun read! It’s next in my to-read pile, after I finish The Traitor Baru Cormorant (which, while fantasy instead of scifi, definitely has plenty of amazing female characters, some of whom are what we’d term lesbian or bi).
My favourite read last month was probably Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge. Although Hardinge is marketed as YA, her books are perfectly suitable for all ages, and this on in particular is a great story for adults as well as older kids. Also, the cover (the one with the doll head on it). Please. It’s not a story about creepy dolls. It’s a changeling tale; but more than that, it’s a story about family and what makes us human – so, fundamental. And talk about strong female characters? Hardinge always provides them in abundance. Anyway, I’ve been raving and recommending it like crazy and happily converting people into fans of Hardinge’s wonderful writing. If you haven’t read this one, definitely make room for it.
Damn, this is way too soon to hear about a new Bujold, too many months of anticipation.